Navigating the Scene

Use your mouse or touchscreen to easily navigate in and around your FormIt models:

  • Orbit by right-clicking and dragging the mouse or swiping across the screen for touch-enabled devices. This will use your cursor point in 3D space about which to orbit the camera.

    • You can also hold the Shift key to Pan.

  • Zoom in and out by scrolling the mouse wheel up and down, or pinching for touch-enabled devices. This will use a point in 3D space at which to zoom to, and will slow down the zoom as you approach a surface or another object.

    • You can also hold Ctrl to zoom at a constant rate, not affected by proximity to objects.

  • Pan by middle-clicking and dragging the mouse, or dragging two fingers for touch-enabled devices.

You can also use the floating navigation toolbar on the right side of the canvas to go into specific view modes. Shortcuts are noted in parentheses.

Orthographic views: Click to reveal a flyout menu of available orthographic views.

Default 3D View (ZD): Launches the default 3D view.

Walkthrough (FT): “Jetpack” mode allows you to walk through the scene using your keyboard. Use WASD to move forward/backward/left/right, and use Q/E to move up/down. Use the spacebar key to "fly."

Orbit (O): When enabled, left-click and drag the mouse to orbit around the model. You can also do this at any time by right-click and dragging.

Swivel (SV): Use the Swivel tool from the Navigation toolbar to look around the scene from a fixed point.

Pan (P): Click and drag the middle mouse button, or use the Pan (hand) tool from the Navigation toolbar to pan across the scene.

Zoom (Z): Scroll the mouse wheel, or select the Zoom tool from the Navigation toolbar and click and drag the left mouse button to zoom.

Zoom All (ZE or ZA): Zoom to fit the entire model into the current view

Zoom Selection (ZS): Zoom to fit all of the currently selected objects into the current view.

Last updated