Part I

Modeling Mies van der Rohe's Farnsworth House

In Part I of this Primer, we are going to go over the basic FormIt tools and workflows to build a historic modernist house in just under two hours! Refer to the FormIt Introduction and Tool Library sections for detailed explanations on tools, toolbars, palettes, and processes discussed herein.

The Farnsworth House


Before beginning Part I, download and install FormIt for Windows using the directions found in the FormIt Introduction section here: Prerequisites and Installation.

You will also need to download the data set found at the link below. The data set is a collection of files used throughout Part I.

If you cannot run FormIt for Windows, the majority of the tutorial can be completed using the free Web Application. For more information about FormIt versions and licensing, visit the FormIt website.

Data Set

Throughout Part I, we will build the Farnsworth House step by step, breaking up the modeling into manageable chapters. If you wish to only complete specific chapters, the data set below will provide you with the progress up until the chapter you chose to do. Besides the Chapter Files, the data set also contains the necessary Supporting Files to complete all exercises.

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