Testing a Combined HTML Panel and Toolbar Plugin

You can test your in-progress plugins easily using the built-in Script Editor in FormIt for Windows

We recommend using FormIt.LoadPlugin("URL"); when testing, which loads plugins temporarily for this session (they will disappear when FormIt is restarted).

Once testing is complete, you can persist the plugin between sessions using FormIt.InstallPlugin("URL");.

FormIt for Windows v17 and newer

Toolbar Plugins

Load your plugin into FormIt to see the latest UI and test the latest functionality:

  • FormIt.LoadPlugin("http://localhost:8080/YourPluginName");

Make some changes, then load the plugin again using the command above.

You can load many instances of the same plugin in the current session as you test, each with its own UI.

Be sure to use the latest UI instance to ensure you're testing your most recent changes.

HTML Panel Plugins

Load your plugin into FormIt to see the latest UI and test the latest functionality:

  • FormIt.LoadPlugin("http://localhost:8080/YourPluginName");

Make some changes, then simply right-click the panel and select "Hard Reload" to reload the panel with the latest HTML, CSS, and scripts.

Preview your plugin with Plugin Manager

Once your plugin is loaed, refer an earlier chapter for this guide.

Force clearing web cache for .JSON files

If you modify the title or description inside the manifest.json file for a plugin or repo, you may need to force clear the cache in FormIt for Windows to see those changes take effect the next time you reload the Plugin Manager.

FormIt for Windows stores its web cache here, you will need to enable hidden items in Windows Explorer to see the AppData folder.

  • C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Autodesk\FormIt 360\QtWebEngine\Default

To delete the web cache, simply delete the "Default" folder above, then reload the Plugin Manager to see the updated titles and descriptions.

Last updated