Faces: Extrude, Cut and Offset

Push or pull a face, imprint new shapes on existing ones, or create new offset edges.


To push or pull a face, select a face with a single click, then click and drag. The face will move back and forth, you can now move your mouse to snap and inference on other model elements. Click again to finish moving the face. Hold down the CTRL key to retain the original edges.


To imprint shapes, use a 3D Sketch tool to draw lines, arcs, splines, rectangles, or circles onto existing faces. This action creates new faces that can be pushed or pulled independently of the original face.


To offset the face of an object:

  1. First select the face you would like to edit, then right-click to view the Context menu.

  2. From the Context menu, click on the Offset Face tool.

  3. Move your cursor over the selected face and adjust the lines that display until you reach your desired offset effect.

  4. Click anywhere to complete the offset. You can now independently push or pull the offset face.

Last updated